Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Washington's Catholic archdiocese 'takes to the heavens, with a drone'

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., has bought a drone.

You read that right: A drone.

According to a recent report in the Washington Post, the archdiocese paid less than $1,000 for the "hubcap-sized flying device." It was pressed into action on Mother's Day to videotape priests, Knights of Columbus and other Catholics marching in a procession to mark the canonization to sainthood of popes John the 23rd and John Paul II.

The video images from the drone-mounted camera were used by the archdiocese -- led by Cardinal Donald Wuerl -- for a YouTube production, the newspaper said.

The Observer asked David Hains, spokesman for Charlotte Bishop Peter Jugis, if the local Catholic diocese has a drone.

His answer, which may or may not have been serious: "We don't have a drone. But I have been dying to get one. Thanks for the good idea."

The Post said drones are becoming increasingly common for non-military use. Like for social media.

If any religious groups in Charlotte have a drone, the Observer would love to know. Call (704-358-5703) or email ( me. Or just drop me a letter from the sky, courtesy of your drone.

Great headline for the Post story, by the way: "Washington Archdiocese takes to the heavens, with a drone."

-- Tim Funk


Drone Camera Mount said...

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., has bought a drone. ...

Drohne Mit Kamera said...

The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington, D.C., has bought a drone. ...