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Carolina Panthers wide receiver Steve Smith (89) glances back at Elevation Church pastor Steven Furtick as he heads to practice on Thursday, January 9, 2013. At left is Steven Drummond. |
Their Q&A will be live at Elevation's Blakeney campus Saturday at 5 p.m. and then again Sunday at 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. On Saturday, it'll be live on screens at the church's Matthews and Lake Norman locations; on Sunday, it'll be live at Blakeney and on screens at all the other locations.
Smith attends the fast-growing evangelical church, according to Elevation spokeswoman Tonia Bendickson.
And Pastor Furtick is apparently a big Panthers fan: He was spotted at the team's pre-playoff game practice last week.
The guest spot by Smith, 34, was announced by Furtick, 33, via Twitter and Instagram. He said the duo will talk about "Passionate People."
And maybe, we're guessing, they'll bring up Smith's now-famous quote: "Ice up, son."
Here's Furtick's post, accompanied by a photo of #89 in action. (Click on the photo to see a bigger version.)
Here we go again, the Observer placating Elevation Church and running only positive stories... Must be nice to never have to be objective....
I'll second 1:45's sentiment but for a different reason. With over 700 churches in the Charlotte area you would think we've heard enough PR type stuff from Furtick's following for the time being.
Anonymous 1:45 ... you clearly missed the Observer's series on Furtick's home and his pay:
Awesome...can't wait!
If you've never been to our church, please save your comments for something else. While certainly not perfect, Pastor Furtick preaches from the Bible in a way that is changing this city. Don't knock it until you try it!
Steven Furtick should read Matthew 21:12 before pitching books and passing out bumper stickers.
1.7 million dollar house? Con man.
I've been to the church and while Pastor Furtick does preach in an effective way which seems to reach younger people, there are too many unanswered questions. Why isn't there full transparency on the church's finances? Why isn't Pastor Furtick's salary divulged? Based on the elaborate production put on by the church during services and it's financial reporting practices, there is just too much "smoke & mirrors" for me.
All you guys care about talking about is his home and the money of the church.....just be happy that Steve Smith is going to be sharing his story of how God has impacted his life and made him the father and husband and player he is today.....smh people these days. Just live and let live
I hope he heals Smitty's knee. While he's at it, use you cocoon powers and make him 10 yrs younger!
Steve Smith is a punk. Just ask the three teammates he has beaten up over the years.
Well I guess with a large following of people that would make it quite hard to know who's passionate or not. What about that teacher sitting in your congregation every Sunday tithing to you, is she/he not passionate? That teacher educates students(adults & children), they tithe their time, love, patience, knowledge, understanding ,etc. into the lives of countless people daily . Oh yeah they also tithe their little bit of money they make back into the classroom too. Can this young guy say that is not passion? That is an insult to say to those people that work hard for the little bit of money they make and give it away BLINDLY to sum fake cause. Passionate people are giving to you Furtick everytime you pass that offering tray around. Passionately awaiting a breakthrough when the church won't help them to keep their heads above water while you build mansions. Church is about building up people not building up structures. How can people like him sleep? Storing up treasures here on Earth and portraying this image like God did it for me. No the people that buy into your system did. God wants us to be rich in spirit(true knowledge and understanding of how he operates) not rich in the ways of the world by obtaining junk. People wake up, we cant fathom God's love, it's beyond comprehension . A book does not tell everything there is to know about God, he is BIGGER than life itself so stop buying into these false prophets and churches(idols man build to himself). God built us & that is the only temple he desires to dwell in not some building man made and slapped his name on the front. How can you walk around carrying a bible acting like you know everything there is to know about the creator when you don't know yourself , your partner, or the person sitting next to you? I'm passionate about destroying the lies these individuals bring forth. I'm not some athlete that slaps his helmet because he catches a pass. This guy is a young man himself so know wonder Steve Smith is the epitome of passion for him! Wow!
Yuck. Makes me rethink being a Panthers fan.
"just be happy that Steve Smith is going to be sharing his story of how God has impacted his life and made him the father and husband and player he is today".....REALLY!!! This man lacks the self control...we cant watch a game without seing him curse across the field yet he wants to discuss before thousands Passion! God brings about change that is VISIBLE not just in word but in DEED! And as far as money goes, no one cares that Steve has one but that a Pastor does...SMH! Ridiculous! No issue with finances, my issue is with the examples of righteousness (or lack thereof) that he parades around...
Furtick convincing his 'flock' to keep giving him money as he builds his 8,000 sq. ft house.
If you really want to help people, give your money to : http://www.unhcr.org/
Celebrity has it's perks...and they both eat it up with a big ol' spoon.
Steve Smith used to be a member at Central Church of God where Loran Livigston is the pastor, guess Central didn't do enough "lights & smoke and the new thing that Jesus is doing". Steven Furtick is one of the Helal's workers, a Beelzebub follower. Simply watch and wait to see the scandal that will come that proves these people have no clue about the doctrine they peddle on folks.... Watch....
I cannot understand the hatred and misinformation some of the previous commenters have put out there. The interview hasn't even taken place yet and some of you have condemned it already. Some of the mean spirited attacks are ridiculous. It is NOT about pastor Furtick or Steve Smith. It is about committing to God, and furthering HIS purpose, and in do so, glorifying God. Also, for goodness' sake, stop BEGRUDGING other people's blessings and good fortune. When I see something good happen for someone (i.e. a nice home, good family, good health, etc..), it doesn't make me angry at them. No...it makes me think, "Hey that's great! It could happen for me too". Try it. You might see a whole new outlook on life. Disclaimer: I do not attend Elevation.
Blah, blah, blah. Haters gonna hate. Instead of using your energy to criticize Steve Smith or Elevation Church, use it to do something positive in your life. The rest of us will be a lot better off.
Just look at the pastors face...if that does not scream "criminal or scam artist" I don't know what does!
Smitty Smith needs all the religion he can get. Whether it is from this Pastor, who says God talks to him about his mansion and his pay, or another pastor Smith needs it all. He is a disgrace to the human race even though FOOTBABLL fans will say different. If he lived his life like a true Christian instead of being a "hypocrite" then maybe he would be a good man. But he doesn't. He is a THUG and a PUNK!!!
I'm a bit unsure how using your God given commonsense and following the Word from the Bible makes you a "hater".
Maybe Elevation Church Pastor Steven Furtick will be giving out his "Kool Aid" this Sunday. Will the disgraceful, two timing, Satan lover, Smitty Smith drink his glass? It won't be long until all members will have their glass of this deadly drink. It will be offered in Orange, Grape, orFruit Punch ..take your choice of flavor!!!Pastor Furtick is Beelzebub's son here on earth and so many "ignornant followers" are right there to share in his message from Beelzebub. Steve Smith drink one of each flavors so Charlotte can be rid of you once and forever!!!!
It is funny how the people who don't want to be judged, judge! I for one will be attending. This church is doing good things. It is not about the man, it is about the message! Keep on hating...
Why all the fuss - Jealousy runs wild in this town. Give the man his due - he passionate, built a church from nothing but will and committment and he is successful. Something all of us can try and attain. Why not. Not a Steve Smith fan - runs crappy routs, he's a whiner, doesn't have great hands - averages about 6 TD's per year - I suppose the longer you play the more you pad your stats - and grew up in an area of LA that I am very familiar with having grown up there myself and went to school out there. Ought to be interesting. Really like what Furtick has done to the City and what unique guests he has had with him. Give the guy some slack!!!!
A big Yawn, waiting for next big news story
It disappoints me that so many people focus on negative articles written about Elevation and ignore the good things Elevation does for this city. I am 34 years old. I grew up in the church but never had a relationship with God until finding Elevation a little over a year ago. I now have that relationship and I am a better father and husband because of it. It all started at Elevation. How can that possibly be a bad thing? Even if you don't agree with the "megachurch" concept, please try to see that immense good this church does for our community.
Two little men with huge egos...one get publicity and the other gets to hang out with a football player.
Wonder if Smith will seek forgiveness for his assaults on his own teammates and his well-known philandering in the Charlotte area.
It amazes me that so many people are attracted to this con man and his thug style screaming, rhyming, rapping preaching. Sad to see this story repeating itself so many times, and extremely disturbing that so many people are funding his lavish lifestyle at the expense of their own families. I guess most of the congregation are to young to remember Jim and Tammy.
In my opinion, as long as Steve Smith and Rev. Furtick have altruistic motives for wanting to do this then I am for it. Otherwise its no good! Furthermore, make the interview for all of Charlotte to see if you really want people to witness how God makes an impact on an athletes life.
Steven Furtick is a false teacher plain and simple. Stay away from Elevation Church and it's false doctrine.
Its fine if it your cup of tea. Organized religion is organized religion. They all make money even Billy Graham even if he boast of moderate homes.
Jim and Tammi were back in the witch hunt days on evangelist preachers who lived in sin chasing women. So far this guy stays clean.
I am not into it but I watched him on tv and he is ok and I hope he keeps his nose clean.
Anyone notice the plea for help in the comments section of the Steve Smith instagram photo attached?
Maybe they can compare house sizes...who wants to bet the pastors is bigger?
The church was there before any member gave any money, God hand totally in it. Call the dogs off of pastors they are aloud to have fun to. The most important position in the world, we all will know when the time comes. Panthers fix your offense with new rbs n wrs but keep Tolbert. Be Blessed everyone! Be encouraged Panthers n All Ya'll!
I just want to know what that Star Trek symbol Elevation uses. I thought a Cross was the symbol of Christ? PTL redux ?
Just another Jim Baker.
Praise Hitchens!
All would be forgiven if the Panthers were still playing. As it stands....people can do what they wish. Just don't sing any elevation bs to me.
A crook interviewing a thug.... Perfect.
Maybe Smitty Smith and Furtick have some type of relationship going on!!!! "You scratch my back and I will scratch yours"!! Is that the way church's do in this time and age? I don't think so!!! Evil plus evil equals to Beelzebub!!!!
JUST STOP. We all know that what we really want is for God, through Smitty and Furtick to 1) Enable Lafell to step up just once, 2) Enable the OL for once, just once, to get some push off the line, and...
...to please go back to the Panthers Super Bowl and make it so John Kasey's late kickoff stayed inbounds. Panther fans know about what I am preaching. Amen.
It is amazing to me at how many people can't see the fact that Elevation has begun to turn into a cult. It might have begun as a Southern a baptist congregation, (a fact all of my friends who attend do not know), but it is has gone way beyond this. "Pastor Steven" operates it as he wants to, controlling their minds, using music to hype up the congregation, with a secret board to control doctrine and salaries, ushers who force people where to sit, and he even will interrupt his sermons and call people out for texting or disrupting the service. Jim Jones started the same way. The Peoples' Temple was originally a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and then they grew into a mega church off his personality. He had controlling ushers who would wake people up if they fell asleep during sermons.
What's next, a foreign retreat center? They already have a campus in Toronto. Just sayin'...
Plus, what sort of church does not even have a cross as its symbol. Is he ashamed of the gospel,of Jesus Christ? Is he afraid of being branded as a Christian?
You can get the, in the doer because it is cool and hip now, but does he ever grow people into mature Christians? The people I know who go there are all ex-Catholics who were looking for something more.
They claim (and I can not dispute) that they are born again, but they don't have any sort of maturity in their Christian faith. Furtick feeds them basic stuff and they never are nurtured into being mature Chrisitans. It would be like someone who is never weaned off of their mother's milk. I'm not sure it is healthy for a 40 year old to be sucking on his mother's breast. Kind of freaky.
I love reading the ignorance in the comments on this post. Every one of you criticizing Steve Smith, Steve Furtick, Elevation Church, all have skeletons in your mind and in your closet. Mind your own business, start digging into the little dirty secrets of your own lives and your own churches.
People like you are the reason that Elevation is growing. People like you who fill church pews each week and judge others, pushing others away with your stares, your whispers, and your opinions. Just shut up, mind your own business, and let God do the work He is going to do in spite of you.
nnnnooooo!!!! smitty dont do it...your not retired YET! what is the purpose of this? stay away from this weirdo He is a televison evangelist! $$$$
Elevation is not a church. It is a conglomerate, a business enterprise designed to make a profit. Steve Smith is not a Christian. People know real Christians by their humility.
Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.
And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.
Answer me this. Which is more?
Money Stolen or Men Killed
"In the name of God"
Let the stone throwing verbiage begin. Charlotte has a church on every corner so let the preaching begin and last I looked this was still a free country and anyone can worship freely.
I am so thrilled to see Elevation Church reaching a generation that others say can't be reached with the gospel truth of Jesus Christ. Pastor Steven's vision and excellent execution of that vision with hundreds and hundreds of team players desiring to serve Christ and our community is a model we should applaud. So before you throw stones, realize that God only has imperfect vessels, including you. ~Roger Holloway
The only people using the "hater" word are the defenders of Elevation "church." True Christians don't hate, and disagreeing with the philosophy of a church doesn't make one a hater. In fact, it's a bit of a defensive attitude to call someone a "hater" because they don't believe in your particular church. Jesus said to turn the other cheek, and I can't imagine him calling someone a hater. Having said that, I'm not sure what Jesus would say or do is that important, because if you can justify, rationalize, pick your word...this form of living and "prosperity preaching" as something Jesus would condone, you are surely looking through a "glass darkly." I often think of the pastor I grew up with and felt was the closest a human can get to being "Christ-like," and wondering what he would say. Maybe you have heard of him, his name was Alfred G Garr, and anytime he was lucky enough to have access to any money at all, he would pour it into Camp Lurecrest, which is a piece of heaven on earth in Lake Lure. It is a place he founded, and where children spend a week and have their lives changed for a lifetime. It has always been operated on a shoestring budget, but it is so much more fulfilling than any mansion on earth. Alfred lived a humble life, even though he had many opportunities to live the "prosperous life" that so many tell us we're promised. When he was put on a pedestal for things he did, or his angelic voice, his response was always "I'm just a sinner saved by grace." I can tell you that if he were still on this earth, he wouldn't say a single negative word about Elevation or Furtick, he would simply continue his work at Lurecrest as a sinner saved by grace.
More sheeples. Real believers do not need churches.
I used to respect Steve Smith. Sorry just can't abide by blind sheep following a cult leader. This will all play out for worst in the end.
The defenders of this organization are so blind and needy, they only need to do a little research and compare what has become of similar organizations in the last 40 years. The history lesson will prove that this is surely a scam to fleece the gullible. God would never work in this way.
Jim and Tammy suckered the same group and that same group defended them with everything they had including there pocketbooks. How quickly we forget. They made people feel good just like pain killers. People think this good feeling is God. It is not. Use your common sense not your euphoria or you will be the next group wondering what just happened.
There is no defense for this man or his organization. Just the little bit we know about it stinks. How can this be ignored ? To ignore it only shows the cult like blind following it has. Religion or not, people are being scammed and defending their right to be scammed. Enough good is being done to disguise the scam and have a defense.
It is really scary that such a large group of people can be so blind and even when presented with overwhelming evidence that something is very wrong still defend it.
You can say the organization gives money to help others, the problem is that this has to be done to appear viable. No one accept the elite know how that money is being funneled and if you are in the know and mention anything about it you will be sued. Big red flag. Then Furtick shows up with a 16000 sq ft house that God gave him. See what I am getting at. This is just one of many very Red Flags that are just flat out ignored. Your common sense should be screaming at you.
Hey you can send me money. I will gladly tell you everything you want hear and take the protection when I am attacked. This scam works well apparently.
Google Furtick.
Pictures of this guy are scary.
White hair, black hair, long hair, short hair, spiked hair, leather and grunge.
Simply unbelievable.
What's next !
The federal government needs to begin their investigation into the financial dealings of this church NOW before it is too late. Smitty Smith's tax returns need to be audited so that there is no question of his being honest in his filings.
He has an identity problem !
The needy and the gullible will follow if you can help them.
NAZI's. Millions of people
Obamacare. Millions of people
Jim Jones ? 99 percent dead.
Jim and Tammy World Wide.
How many other evangelist and their minion ?
The evidence for failure was and is there, just ignored.
They are all right until they are wrong.
Anonymous said...
Steve Smith is a punk. Just ask the three teammates he has beaten up over the years.
January 17, 2014 at 3:17 PM
Steve's got heart...The only "punks" are jealous idiots
False prophet for profit
Amazingly, these megachurch business-owners always find a way to capitalize on the fame, influence and prestige of their affluent members. When did giving a testimony require marketing and publicity? #JustPreachtheWord,please!
All you judgmental types, church pew preachers, and chairmen of the deacons need to take some time away from posting your negativity and watch the actual footage from the service.
In Steve Smith and his wife (who was part of the service), I see more humility and introspective than the people who posted some of the comments above.
Here is what I wish: I wish we could pick one of you, follow you with a TV camera and a microphone to your job, and watch how you conduct yourself. Then, let's post that footage on the Charlotte news and critique it. Let's critique your behavior, your integrity, how you treat other people, and then let's post it on the Observer website.
Then, you can refresh this page over and over again and watch people criticize you for every little thing you do instead of minding their own business. You can watch people use scripture to judge you, call you names, and insult you over and over again.
My guess is that you would be a lot quieter with your judgments and your opinions. Like it was said above, just shut up and mind your own business. Climb down off of your pedestal, look at your own life instead of pointing out everyone else's faults.
So can anybody tell me what the Elevation symbol is? So pretentious a cross is no longer good enough? Maybe Pastor Steve took it from his bank statements, which is the direction his balance continues to go. Raking in 500k a week sure leaves plenty for the "house"
2 millionaires talking to poor people about why they should believe in God. Yeah, i'll pass.
Just remember that if and when Jesus comes bcd, he's not going to be going to Elevation "church", or Central Church of God, or Calvary Church, or even First Baptist. He will be at a synagogue.
From my reading of the Bible, Jesus was about simplicity and humility. He never even owned a house, let alone a gated mansion and he has far more followers than Furtick could ever dream of having. Jesus never had designer clothes. He preached his message quietly and humbly. I think that the only time he really even yelled was when he got mad at the money changers in the temple. He wasn't about fame or fortune, he was about preaching the Gospel and chaining the world, not increasing his bank account. Oh wait...Jesus didn't have one.
Elevation Cult should take some hints from Jesus' play book. The churches that do the most work are the ones who don't seek publicity and hype. They are usually lesser known and do their mission with love and grace and the ministers don't have mansions and live lifestyles better than most of their congregation.
I found Smitty to be very inspirational back when he first came and played here.He put his all into football and enjoyed it. Smitty, Muhsin and Jake were always on fire and alive. You just could not watch enough tv with them on it being interviews or pro bowls or games.They brought a lot of good football games. I know nothing in life stays the same and things change ready or not but Smitty needs to find that magic again. The same magic that brought him here to begin with.
I don't want to be judgemental, but it is a cult and is doing damage to thousands of people. http://fbcjaxwatchdog.blogspot.com/2012/11/its-not-your-money-says-steven-furtick.html
Anyone who disagrees with him is a "hater". There is no way to have a vote as a member of the congregation, because the board is not made up of members--it is made up of out of area "ministers" and the group has no members, as normal churches do. You just attend and give money.
Here is what one of his board members had to say to members of his congregation.
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